Summed Up

I definitely did not know what I was getting into this semester when I registered for this class. I kind of figured that I would get to try some different foods, read about German food culture through the years, and hopefully meet some new people that would affect my life. I think I can say with confidence that I accomplished all of those things and a lot more. 

I didn’t know that there was a service part of the class until the day of our first meeting. Back then seems so long ago. There were a lot more people in the class that first day. Learning that the class did have the service component only made me want to take it more. Throughout my youth, I was active in Boy Scouts where I did a lot of volunteer work. The Catholic high school I attended put a large emphasis on service as well. So these past two years that I have lived in the Bronx, I have been wanting to find a way to get back into serving and I found this as my way to do that. 

Looking back on the time I spent giving back to the different communities in New York City, I am very grateful for this class. It not only gave me the chance to help other people but worked towards my German minor! I plan on continuing to be in touch with the people at WSCAH and I hope to volunteer with my free time in the future. It’s easy to move into a city and live there, what I enjoy is finding a place in a community and giving back to it.
