Pizza Festival

Having lived in the Bronx now for over two years, I feel like I have tried a lot of the local cuisine and have enjoyed a lot of what the area has to offer me. But one morning in early October, I saw an add on Instagram for the New York Pizza Festival which was being held on Crescent Ave, not even three blocks from where I live. I decided at that moment I was going to go. My family is from Buffalo, New York and they make very good pizza up there but I was really curious as to what kind of pizza this festival was going to have and if it would match up to the slices I have consumed before. I convinced my friends to come with me and bought a ticket off Groupon that included six slices of pizza from any vendor, a sample of pasta, and two drinks. I was ready.

A couple of days later, my two friends and I find ourselves surrounded by fellow curious pizza lovers on the streets of the Bronx going from stand to stand trying out different pizzas. We had slices from Sicily, Brooklyn, Naples and other places known for their pizza. We had slices with truffle mashed potatoes and slices with slow-cooked spare ribs. One stand was offering a free pepperoni log to anyone who would follow them on Instagram! My friends and I stayed there all afternoon walking around, eating really good food, and interacting with some very amazing people. Sitting down and writing about it now, I realize that I was about to enjoy a festival dedicated to one of my favorite foods with some of my closest friends. And I can see now that food is always bringing together people that are not just close with each other, but people from all different backgrounds and cultures.
