Let’s Keep Volunteering at WSCAH

Volunteering at WSCAH has been the most enriching experience throughout the time that I’ve been at Fordham. In high school, I was able to volunteer at a few different locations including hospitals and soup kitchens, but working at WSCAH had a completely different vibe. It was genuinely really fun to engage with the community and feel like I was part of something bigger than myself. I especially enjoyed working at the mobile market because of the whole process of getting the truck set up, organizing the line of people and working with other volunteers to ensure that everything runs smoothly. However, I’ve heard from my classmates that the mobile market sometimes did not run as smoothly, which is something that I think is important to fix quickly because the customers put in the effort to be there on time, so WSCAH should be ready for them. This is one of the reasons why I will be making an effort to continue volunteering at WSCAH after this semester. Obviously, volunteering anywhere is a great thing to do, but it’s important to look for organizations that genuinely need your help and won’t have you standing around doing nothing helpful. Now that I have seen how little help WSCAH has, I can’t just ignore the fact that my continued volunteering would be a huge contribution to the organization and its customers.
