it’s Nichole.

Hey, my name is Nichole Calle and approximately two weeks ago, I turned 21 years old.

Currently, I am a senior at Fordham University studying Visual Arts–to be specific: photography–and am minoring in Philosophy; funnily enough, my major and minor were the reverse of what it is now. If you’re wondering about my plans after graduation, I have no idea; it’s best not to ask me that question.

Shikah (above); don’t be deceived by how she looks.

I can tell you though that I have a dog named Shikah; she’s my buddy whenever I’m out photographing; sometimes, she’s the subject of my work. I’ve had her for just over a year now–got her as a puppy–and it’s been quite an experience. I have future plans to get a cat; she needs company. At least, that’s the excuse I tell myself; it’ll be fine!

Fun fact: I’m allergic to apples.
