
It is crazy how one person can totally change an experience for you.

My time at the mobile food pantry at Phipps West Farm was the best one yet because of Deborah. She was a lady volunteering at this site and was stationed at the ‘Grains’ section right next to me. Deborah currently lives in New Jersey but she grew up in the Bronx and was volunteering that day because her mother lives at the partnership site. Deborah was awesome.

As soon as I showed up to the location, she immediately came over and introduced herself with a bright, cheerful smile. Instantly welcoming. And she knew she had a smile and energy that could light up a room. She told me about how she always gets free tickets to go to talk shows like Good Morning America and sit in the crowd to smile and clap. The film crew people even told her she had a great smile and she was so proud.

The whole time Deborah and I had a great time. We would chat and crack jokes in the down time, help each other when people would show up with the “Shopping for four families” card, and made the most of the cold morning. We had such a fun time together that she asked if I was coming back and volunteering in December. Since she made it so much fun for me, I asked Caycee if I could come back to this site next month.

Then Deborah walked me over to the BX9 bus stop so I could make my way back to Fordham.
