
When signing up for my shifts I wasn’t really looking at where they where I was only looking to see what fits in my schedule. I ended up volunteering outside of New York-Presbyterian three times throughout the course of the semester. It’s located at 575 W181st Street and WSCAH sends their mobile food pantry their every other Tuesday. 

While volunteering there, I got to know one person in particular. Her name was Anna and I was introduced to her the first time I volunteered for WSCAH. Caycee introduced the two of us that first day and she was there the other three times as well. Anna was kind to me from the first time we met but she would put her foot down when I wasn’t working as fast as she wanted me to. She would greet me with a smile and once I told her that I really liked tuna she wouldn’t let me leave my shift until I left with a can from the truck. By the end of those three shifts, there was a friendship growing between us. We would laugh with each other and talk about our day when there were lulls in the line. She’s a very kind and beautiful woman from that area of New York who just wants to give back to the area that she lives in. That is the very reason I wanted to take this class. To give back to the city that has taken me in.
