Volunteer Day 1

The day began very nervously. Having no idea what to expect, Ann had set her alarm for 8:20 am the night before (on a day where her first class wasn’t until 4pm, but for a good cause, who needs sleep? Right? yeah…) and her nerves woke her up before the alarm could go off, sounding the theme song of the hit BBC show The Musketeers. The only reason Ann was so nervous is because she gets nervous about pretty much anything she hasn’t done before, so she really didn’t put much stock into those feelings as she took the 1 line all the way to the end-ish. By the end of the day, the nerves would be a distant memory. Though three hours long, which isn’t very long to begin with, the shift flew by in a daze. Meeting the people who run the Mobile Market, and some of the other volunteers, was a genuine pleasure for Ann. The people who they served were, for the most part, very patient and nice, and never once did Ann feel like she was back in her days of retail like she had been warned about previously. In addition, Ann learned that she knew more Spanish phrases than she thought she knew, so it’s the small victories.
